Friday, 27 November 2009

A Social Experiment

A 2-weeks old flash story for you all. Any negative critique will be discarded with a laugh, any praise will be printed and placed on my wall of triumphs. (Just kidding, it's a wall of fame)

Consta... "wait for it..." ...ntine

Saturday, 21 November 2009

The Light at the end of the Tunnel

Remember three weeks ago, in my last post, when I said "I'm starting a new book tomorrow?" No? Well just go take a look, it's right there... Anyway, I finished that book three hours ago. It's there now, complete, whole, ready. A newborn novel, my baby :-)
Well, not ready-ready, I mean, it is the first draft and will need a good edit, but it's been written.
"Write with your heart, edit with your head." they say.
I usually write with word processors but I'm willing to follow that this time.
I'm sure that you will get some laughs out of this book. It's fantasy...vaguely... but mostly it's a postmodernist, metafictional satire... Yeah. I know how pompous that sounds. Let's just say a comic fantasy with a serious twist in narration.
It's called OMNISCIENT - The Tales of Bob. It is in English, my very first novel in the English language.
What a November... I'm so tired right now...

Consta... "saw the end at the light of the tunnel and it wasn't an oncoming train" ... ntine