Tuesday 22 September 2009

The Twelfth Night

Fat Cow! That was the name of that cafeteria! I knew it had a sort of bovine quality in it. Fat Cow... wow, how can a place with such a name close down? I think though that there's another one in town, better find that quickly...

Anyway, I'm not quoting Shakespeare up at the headline, it's just that, this is indeed the twelfth night I'm spending here at my new home so I thought of stating the obvious and yet totally unimportant, since this is what blogs are all about right? No? Just mine?

Moving on, as all of you know, I am attending the cherished Creative Writing Masters here at Edina. Today was a special day because I had my first creative writing workshop! (applause)
So, after callously spewing out some heavy criticism on my lovely peers for a couple hours, I feel that a) We are going to have a splendid year together and b) I'm gonna get a vengeful bashing next week when I'll hand over my own piece of writing.

What's that? Give you a little teaser as to what that piece is gonna be? well, I shouldn't... naah, it's nothing really, horrible,horrible...well, ok if you so terribly insist I will upload something later in the week. But only for you, fellow follower of Brainsanity that shall remain anonymous.

Speaking of which, there are 7 of you! Wow. I think that this was such a shock for the blog itself that right now, there's a huge gap where your names and pics stood oh so proudly, just yesterday. I guess the server is into denial, so...

Ah! I have reason#142 of why Scotland is such a lovely place... I just asked for a jar of putanesca sauce today, out loud, at the market and nobody laughed, sniggered or felt embarassed! Try it back in Greece, I doubledare you. (Yes, it was delicious.)

There's only a catch. As a Greek, I am hardwired -conditioned if you will- to think this: Any day that passes without getting your ass on a fluffy couch at a coffeeshop with good company and a cup of caffeine, blabbering about this and that... is a day lost. I just have to accept the fact that not all citizens of the world think that way. Of course, they are missing out, and this is practically what our ancient Greek philosophers did, paving our way to greatness! (and making everybody else think that we are still like that. Yea, we're not...)
So what they did was, they talked about ideas and stuff while (prepare to be dumbstruck) filling the sofas, ergo, fillosofizing... or something...
Yea! It's true because it sort of looks the same. Who do you think came up with the word sofa? IKEA? I'm dashing out ancient knowledge here.

So, good people of Edina, you are missing out. Why drink coffee while walking on those beautiful roads? Sit there, talk to a stranger while you are at it. Who knows, it may be me. (look for a handsome, tall, pale, brooding sort of bloke.)

Consta... "Cursed by linguists everywhere" ...ntine

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